Monday, July 23, 2007

Quit Smoking - Day 35!!!!!! & other

35!!!! Yes!!!! That's how many days since I last had the rolled up tobacco with smoke and smell infusing into my lungs and the atmosphere!!!

I must be proud of myself! Yes, because the last time I "quit" was when I was smoking like 10 sticks a day. This time I cold turkey-ed from average of 20+ sticks a day!!! ACHIEVEMENT la!!!! :P

However I must admit that I'm no saint. There are times when I really felt like "stealing" a stick here, a puff there. Sometimes I have to virtually slap myself to get the idea of lighting up again out of my head!!!!

The last time I mentioned that the true test might be when I go drinking. And I AM proud and happy to announce that I DID have a drinking session during my Melaka trip, and with a smoker at that. BUT I did not light up!!!! I think partly because my BB was there anyway. HAHAHAHA!!! Want to curi curi also cannot!!!!! LOL!!! But seriously, I did not have the urge to smoke that night. Rather, sometimes the cravings and urges are much stronger even without any alcohol in my system. Looks like the "brothers" of alcohol and nicotine are finally no more in my system!!!! :P

And on another topic of interest..... I read this in Saturday's (I think) The Star.

It has been proven in a study of 2000 people that circumcision DEceases the chances of contracting the HIV virus by 40%!!!!!! LOL!!! While the study confirms this statistically, they have yet to find a clinical explanation for this. If I remembered correctly, they cited 2 possibilities.

  1. the foreskin increases the chance of abrasion during intercourse and thus increases the chance of an open wound for the HIV virus to enter the system
  2. the "dunno what - cannot remember" layer of the foreskin is made of "something" cells that makes it easier for the HIV virus to attach to.
So for the sexually active and promiscuous guys out there, mau potong tak????? LOL!!!

1 comment:

på9ån said...

gambatte ne~ Hope you can go through with the hardest cold turkey period. If not, then you must buy a lot of cold turkeys and eat it with cranberry sauce kakakaka (corny).

Eh, thanks for linking your blog to mine! I've linked yours to mine too!