Thursday, July 12, 2007

More Sex for Better Health!!!

"Like other muscles, the vagina is a “use it or lose it” organ." - Dr. Gail Saltz

Hehehehe!!!! I wonder how many from the fairer sex will agree with this quote!!! But then again, its from a doctor, so it can't be THAT far wrong!!!!

And according to an article from iVillage,
  • Sex is a great form of exercise. (I think most people know this - anyone who had sex without breaking out a sweat is either not enjoying it or not giving everything into it) On average an 1/2 hour sex session will help you burn 150 calories. (then 1 hour = 300 calories? Honey you up for it???)
  • During sex pulse rate go up to about 150 beats per min. It also works the muscles in the following areas : pelvis, thighs, buttocks, arms and neck (Hmmmm....)
  • Sex is good for the entire cardiovascular system. A 2001 study reveals that men who has sex 3 times a week will cut the risk of stroke or heart attack in half because it helps in lowering the levels of stress!!! (Honey.... I know you won't want me to have a heart attack right?)
  • Orgasm is caused by the hormone oxytocin, which in turn helps releases endorphins, which are natural pain killers for headaches, arthritis and menstrual pains. (You help me when I have headaches and I'll help when you have your menstrual pains ok?)
  • During sex DHEA is produced. This hormone is important for boosting your immune system, keeping your skin healthy, improving your ability to think clearly and even preventing depression. And with every orgasm, its level increases by a bit!! (That book "How to have Multiple Orgasms" is becoming VERY handy ;))
  • Ejaculating helps to prevent prostate cancer!!!! Apparently the prostate concentrates various chemicals which includes some carcinogens during semen production. So periodically "getting rid" of the concentrated stuff is a good idea. (yes, TFK might help here too)
  • The oxytocin mentioned earlier helps to increase your attraction to your mate and your desire to have sex. So the more you have sex, the more you want it!!! (yeah baby!!!)
AND while on the topic of the "goodness" of sex, I got this in my email today.

LOL!!!! I don't think this is entirely accurate though. Maybe just someone's rough idea of how much calories would be used.

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