Sunday, April 22, 2007

Wanna be my CHEEBAI friend?







Don't suppose any of you out there will go on telling people that you're a CHEEBAI person rite? LOL !!!!

Something else I wanted to share with all you CHEEBAI people.....

Anyone good at Chinese can tell me what this means?

Anyone? No idea? This is very simple... Derek! Even you should be able to read this!!!

Note: And this is not just any chinese characters that are randomly generated. They actually mean something!

Give up? OK...... there's actually a way to read this.
First, while looking at the characters, tilt your head to the right.

Now isn't it so much clearer? Even a person who had eyelid operation can could not close her eyes 99% can read it right????

I think I'm gonna make a sticker out of this and paste it somewhere on my car... Just a small one somewhere near the door or boot. I think it'll look nice... LOL!

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