Tuesday, August 21, 2007


We are familiar with this term for its association with magic and childhood stories. If you are like me, you would not have though about the origins of this term. For me, I've always thought that this was just a fictional term, a word that was "invented" by a certain author to describe the "effects" and "power" when casting a spell.... :)

So it was by chance that I came across the origins of this term. ABRACADABRA actually derives from the Hebrew abreg ad habra meaning to 'strike dead with thy lightning.'
Or maybe abrakha adabra - Hebrew for "I shall bless, I shall speak."
And maybe also, a corruption of the Hebrew avar k'davar which means roughly "it will be according to what is spoken;"

Hehehehehe... so now you know it ACTUALLY means something.... and quite a deadly one by that!!!!

For more information on this term, you may refer to the Wikipedia here.

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