Tuesday, July 3, 2007

My Golden Retriever Loves DURIANS!!!!

This comes as quite a surprise. I have been eating durians for the past 3 days.... hahahhaa yeah... I know... very "heaty" and stuff..... but I just couldn't stop since I stopped by a stall on my way home 3 days ago.

The average price now is about RM6 per kilo. Pardon me for not remembering the "model" numbers of the durians they have on sale. I can remember D24, D100, 101 or something like that!!! LOL!!!! Personally I prefer my durians to be a little sticky kind and with a little bitter aftertaste.

Well maybe the reason I did not think that Goldens would fancy durians was because I thought they are basically "ang mo" species.... kekekeke... so I did not expect them to have Asian "taste". But my Golden REALLY loves durians. In fact she just can't have enough of it. I had to stop feeding her so that she would not become too "heaty". So does anyone know for sure if its ok for Golden Retrievers to have durians????? ;P

Anyway, its not that I fed her with a lot of durians.... I think about 3 "fillings" only. Can't be too careful when it comes to my precious "daughter"!

1 comment:

xniquet said...

my terrier too :) but not too much , it is heaty for them too
