Thursday, April 12, 2007

I have AIDS......

Yes... my dear friends and family. As much as I would like to look the other way, I thought it would be better for me to come clean and be truthful about the whole situation. Maybe all of us can learn something from my tragic experience and hopefully you guys will not make the same mistakes that I had.

The first reaction I had when I first got news that I contracted this horrible disease was denial. I mean what are the chances? Common..... although its not such a rare disease these days, but in Malaysia? I haven't even been abroad for like 2 years (Singapore included)? I've been careful and my social life has been less than promiscuous. So what happened?

When everything has sort of settled down, I began to think. Which one could it have been? How could I have been so careless and stupid? How could I have not see all the warning signs? So I began to ponder and re-think the events that led me to this horrible AIDS disease.

Then I remembered. It must have been on that day! She must have been the one who had me contracted this disease.

On that faithful day, I was window shopping at a local mall. I was walking around after my weekly sundry shopping at the supermarket. I wasn't paying attention to anything in particular when suddenly 'BHAM'!! There she was!!!

It was love at first sight.... actually more like lust at first sight. The almost perfect body, well proportioned, and with all the correct accessories at the right places. You know..... the feeling that you just want to have it. You just want to take her home and start doing all the things which you have only imagined about. Just at that moment you begin to fantasize, and without even thinking twice about it, you inquired about the price, and after a little bargaining, you bring her home.

The relationship went on well after that day. We met almost every night, and every meeting was so amazing. She taught me many new things, and with her, we did things that, just a few months back, were just a distant dream to me.

I do have a picture of her. Let me show it to you. You'll have to agree with me she's a piece of work!

Just look at can you not fall for her? 19" wide screen, Core 2 Duo, 360GB HD, 1.5GB DDR2, ATI Radeon 1550 and a Canon iP4000.

Nevertheless, this is still an ongoing affair. I did mentioned that I contracted AIDS through her right? Ya... that's also true... its Acute Income Deficiency Syndrome. She had set me back a couple of thousand bucks, and now my saving's back to the drawing board.

So friends, do not blame me if I do not come out as often as I would have liked to, as things are a little 'tight' nowadays. So until a cure comes along for my AIDS problem, all the booze and late night outings will have to be cut down till further notice!!!

Ok ok!! If I ever got anyone worried with the title of this post, my sincere apologies. :) Anyways, I got the idea for this post from phe ling's profile on Orkut, where she wrote that she was helping people with AIDS. Yes... the same income deficiency problem. Hahahaha.

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