Monday, April 30, 2007
Friendly Stranger
But somewhere along the way things will change, feelings will change.
The more u talk to a person, the more u know about a person, the more u listen to a person.
The more you will understand and the more you will know if you can get along with this person.
As time goes by, with every conversation, with every thoughts shared, with every sad or happy events that followed,
Strangers may become friends, friends may become enemies and relationships may change along the way.I
'm very happy because a once stranger has become my friend, a nickname has become a joy to seen everyday, a ringtone has become one nice song that I would like to hear from my mobile.
Any relationship is a 2 way thing. If in the process of making you feeling better makes me happy as well, isn't it something worthwhile?
So please take good care of yourself my then friendly stranger, my now strange friend. And don't evaporate.... just melt will do!!!!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Triple Moody Tuesday
Moody 1: I was about to leave my present company at the end of May. Although the letter was submitted today, my boss knew about it about 2 weeks ago. And OMG.... now he's doing what the Chinese saying goes, "looking for bones in the egg" thing. That means trying to find trouble and faults for all the small n insignificant reasons!!!! I think he is trying his best to make it worth his while as including my holidays and annual leaves, he has to pay me till June even as I'm leaving at the end of May. Asshole!!!!
Moody 2: One of my friend got AIDS. (yes, the famous Acute Income Deficiency Syndromme). He should be a well off interior designer, but his compulsive gambling habbits have gotten the better of him. He asked me for a loan today, but I had to turn him down. We did a rough estimate for him, and just amongst friends, he would have chalked up a total of RM45k in debts. Can't do much for him now and just feel kind of sad that we couldn't be of more help to a dear friend.
Moody 3: Whats wrong with people nowadays? Would you go around threatening people with suicide to get something, whether in a relationship or friendship? I always get very pissed when I know of such things. This actually happened to a dear friend today. Granted we have not known each other for long, and nor do i know the details of what happened between her and the other person. But to use suicide.... like what I told her, the moment you use ANYTHING to threaten, then there will be NOTHING left. If a person really wants to take his/her own life, please at least have the dignity of just DYING without troubling anyone, much less your loved ones!!!!! Such cowards!!! Such assholes!!!!I guess thats enough complains for one entry..... sometimes life just sucks!!! And the ones with courage will face it with all they've got while the sissies would be trying even to gain sympathy and/or advantages by trying to commit suicide!!!
Monday, April 23, 2007
Blue Monday....
Yet another boring Monday, 1st day of the working week when my "engines" have not warmed up yet. Nothing much on TV and so I was surfing around the net. Got some interesting stuff to share!!!
This is actually a set of furniture. Doesn't look like it? Well it actually "opens" up to this:
Hahahaha... this is LIKE!!!!! However I SERIOUSLY doubt I'll ever get it, coz its priced at abt US9000. Hahahahaha yep...... What did expect for an art piece cum furniture???
Ok then I was at the NASA website, admiring the wonders of space and stuffs. Then I came across this photo taken by the famous Hubble Space Telescope.
Apparently this was a very popular picture circulating the internet about a year ago. Sheesh... how come I didn't know about this??? Its popularly known as the "Eye of God".
It is a real picture taken by the telescope although I think they did a little colour enhancing to show the different kinds of gasses. Its actually called the Helix Nebula and its about 650 light years away from Earth. So even with the Enterprise from Star Trek, its gonna take like 65 yrs on warp 10 to reach it. LOL! (BTW warp 1 is 1x the speed of light right? I think my Star Trek knowledge is a little rusty!!)
Well, that's about all the interesting stuff for one night, unless you are interested in PSPs and console games.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Wanna be my CHEEBAI friend?
Don't suppose any of you out there will go on telling people that you're a CHEEBAI person rite? LOL
Something else I wanted to share with all you CHEEBAI people.....
Anyone? No idea? This is very simple... Derek! Even you should be able to read this!!!
Note: And this is not just any chinese characters that are randomly generated. They actually mean something!
Give up? OK...... there's actually a way to read this.
First, while looking at the characters, tilt your head to the right.
Now isn't it so much clearer? Even a person who had eyelid operation can could not close her eyes 99% can read it right????
I think I'm gonna make a sticker out of this and paste it somewhere on my car... Just a small one somewhere near the door or boot. I think it'll look nice... LOL!
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Love & Hate
Well so far I haven't had any "terrible" break ups to the point that my ex's have become my "enemies". In fact I made it a point to remain as friends with all of them. So how does loving a person so much can end up in hatred?
To set the record straight, I don't love my ex the way I love a girlfriend anymore. Its just that I've always treated her as family and even though now she's with another guy, I still "love" her just the same.
I wouldn't want to dwell into what we actually argued about, but damn! I was pissed. Maybe to her, as long as I'm not her bf, there's no way she will listen to what I have to say on certain matters. Is it that difficult to believe that your ex does not harbour any "evil" intention and just want you to have a safe and happy life?
If it ever came to a point that I "hate" her, it wouldn't be because of she doesn't love me back or anything like that but because she's was hurt by not heeding my advice. To be honest, I can't see myself hating her at all coz no matter what mistakes she does, I tend to forgive her very easily. I do get angry and we do quarrel but there's always no bad blood. But its at times like this that I realise how easy it can be to hate someone, especially those that you love, because they hurt you.
I have always remembered this : there are 4 things which you can't recover.
- The stone......... after the throw.
- The word.......... after it has been said.
- The occasion........ after the loss.
- The time......... after its gone.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
愛一個人不一定要擁有 - The Dragonfly Story
有些緣份是註定要失去的﹐有些緣份是永遠不會有好結果的。 Some relationships are not meant to be while some will not have a happy ending.
愛一個人不一定要擁有﹐但擁有一個人就一定要好好去愛他 You do not need to be together in order to love that someone, but if you are with the one you love, please treasure him/her.
你的肩上有蜻蜓嗎﹖ So how long will you hold on to your loved one before you can let him/her go? Was any sacrifice too great, too stupid to you when the relationship has ended? Have you ever noticed the one who has been there for you, cared for you, helped you, without seeking your attention?
The actual page can be found at
The feeling's like, you heard the sunrise at the peak is such a view but when you finally climb to the top, you're met with a rainy day with clouds all over....
It's like, you are at a church waiting for your bride, waiting to say your wedding vows, but she never turned up.
It's like, asking a friend way before to buy a coke from Vietnam but she returns empty handed!!!! Sigh!!!!
Monday, April 16, 2007
Pretty Girls and...(censored)!!!!
This to me has both the cute and sexy look together.... which is the kind I really like la...
Actually I didn't realise but my friend pointed out to me that she looks like someone I know. Here it is....
Ya lar.... sure got difference la.... the friend of mind got a "wider" (she's gonna kill me for saying this
Maybe I should have put the photos side by side for easier comparison... but lazy lah..... already type so much.... Hahahahaa...

Ok Ann.... no "funny" comments from you a.... go Bali and never bring one of these "treasures" back. Hai....somemore just take picture...Come to think about it... u SHOULD have bought one of these rite???.... Just because you know I'll ask for it so you purposely say din buy rite? Or is it that you are too shy
BTW is it illegal to bring one of these back to Malaysia? Imagine you keep in your luggage.. then over the customs when it goes thru the x-ray machine, they thought you were smuggling important body parts!!!!
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Sorry, dear Friend....
Actually it was sort of a deal between us, that we would TRY not to frequent nite spots too often. We used to go for drinks like....4 to 5 times a week, then gradually down to once a week, then once forthnightly, and now... going for once a month.
We are friends with some of the "waitresses" working at the pub. By friends I mean really FRIENDS. It so happened that one of the waitress there celebrated her birthday a week ago. However, both Fan and me did not turn up that day as I didn't like to attend parties that are full of strangers and the hostess would be bz entertaining the guests.
We got to know later that our friend was actually very angry with us for not turning up that day. Actually I was quite surprised as I thought there would have been many people and the two of us would not be missed. But as it turned out that on the actual day there were plenty of "no shows". Many of the friends who promised to attend did not show up. She was so pissed that she did not even want to bring out her birthday cake!!!
Well, both Fan and me are extremely apologetic, but in our defense, we bought her presents and she could have called us to inform that there were many no shows and we would certainly have gone to celebrate with her.
So...小妹妹, 别生气了啦。我们真的不是故意的。
Thursday, April 12, 2007
I have AIDS......
The first reaction I had when I first got news that I contracted this horrible disease was denial. I mean what are the chances? Common..... although its not such a rare disease these days, but in Malaysia? I haven't even been abroad for like 2 years (Singapore included)? I've been careful and my social life has been less than promiscuous. So what happened?
When everything has sort of settled down, I began to think. Which one could it have been? How could I have been so careless and stupid? How could I have not see all the warning signs? So I began to ponder and re-think the events that led me to this horrible AIDS disease.
Then I remembered. It must have been on that day! She must have been the one who had me contracted this disease.
On that faithful day, I was window shopping at a local mall. I was walking around after my weekly sundry shopping at the supermarket. I wasn't paying attention to anything in particular when suddenly 'BHAM'!! There she was!!!
It was love at first sight.... actually more like lust at first sight. The almost perfect body, well proportioned, and with all the correct accessories at the right places. You know..... the feeling that you just want to have it. You just want to take her home and start doing all the things which you have only imagined about. Just at that moment you begin to fantasize, and without even thinking twice about it, you inquired about the price, and after a little bargaining, you bring her home.
The relationship went on well after that day. We met almost every night, and every meeting was so amazing. She taught me many new things, and with her, we did things that, just a few months back, were just a distant dream to me.
I do have a picture of her. Let me show it to you. You'll have to agree with me she's a piece of work!

Nevertheless, this is still an ongoing affair. I did mentioned that I contracted AIDS through her right? Ya... that's also true... its Acute Income Deficiency Syndrome. She had set me back a couple of thousand bucks, and now my saving's back to the drawing board.
So friends, do not blame me if I do not come out as often as I would have liked to, as things are a little 'tight' nowadays. So until a cure comes along for my AIDS problem, all the booze and late night outings will have to be cut down till further notice!!!
Ok ok!! If I ever got anyone worried with the title of this post, my sincere apologies. :) Anyways, I got the idea for this post from phe ling's profile on Orkut, where she wrote that she was helping people with AIDS. Yes... the same income deficiency problem. Hahahaha.
CSS and cute Japanese Food
Recent became interested in messing around with a little CSS so that I can "customize" my page at multiply. I realised how rusty and backdated I was. I had a little HTML and Java background so things were not too difficult to understand. But how things have changed!!! My HTML was stuck at 2.0 and now its already 4+ or was it 5.0?
So if u people ever view my page and found it in a very messy state, i.e. things out of allignment, pictures not showing up, etc etc... it just means I happen to be online, and in the process of messing around!!!
Accidentally stumbled on this Japanese website. It features food cooked and decorated to "cute-ness" and also the various stuff and gadgets they have to make cute food. If you can read Japanese or would like to see more cute foods other than those below, here's the link :
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Where is the "You know where" of Gemi and Sagi?
(Overheard only... so might not be the accurate entirely)
gemi : I saw the email u sent me abt horoscopes. We have something in common leh...
sagi : isit? whats that?
gemi: its says "blah blah blah... geminis are very good at u know where" then "blah blah blah sagis are amazing at u know where"
sagi : Hahaha but i'm not good at the "u know where"......
gemi : eh... but mine is oni "very good at u know where" but urs is "AMAZING at u know where". so i must know la...where is the "u know where"?
sagi : i dont know where is the "u know where" but the person who knows where that sent out the email never say where is the "u know where", so i have to guess the "u know where" like how you guess the "u know where"!!!!
gemi : but ours are the oni 2 signs with the mention of the "u know where". but then if nobody knows where is the u know where, then how to know where??????
(both almost died of laughter)
sagi : but i must stress... everything else is quite accurate except for the amazing at "u know where" part.
gemi : but if u claim u dunno where is the "u know where", how can u know its NOT amazing????
(both almost died the second time)
And so the conclusion that Gemi got : "I'm Very good at u know where, but u r AMAZING at u know where!!!! So together, we are Amazingly very good at U know where!"
and Sagi's conclusion : "where the hell is the "u-know-where'!! Haha *fainted* I'm simply amazing at u know where!"
So Gemi and Sagi lived happily (literally) ever after.
This is dedicated to the very "bo liao" and cute Gemi and Sagi. Remember "we end up in bed together and the next morning u said I seduced you and I said you wanted it!!"
Sunday, April 8, 2007
你说我讲你时,你感觉你就像小孩,所以会不喜欢听。可你知不知道,你身边就是有那么多人把你当小孩。很好“用”,很好骗。只要在你面前工夫做的好,后面也没露出马脚,你就是个“女朋友” 和 “好朋友”。
都说过了,别在黑暗中乱充,乱跑。别以为带着手电筒的人就会把你带出黑暗。 大人都会迷路,更何况你这个“小孩”。
Friday, April 6, 2007
Why Do Women Like To Bite?
I was chatting to a female friend just now... and somehow the topic went into "biting"
She bites!! Although according to her, only the bf gets it. That reminded me that my ex bites too!!! So the question is this, Why do women like to bite? Regardless of whether he's your bf, or friend, or even a piece of furniture.......Why? What's the satisfaction?
Maybe I'll go try biting someone to "experience" the feeling..... kekekkekeke
Thursday, April 5, 2007
My All Time Favourite Mandarin Song
Artiste : 梁静茹 Fish Leong
Here's how the story goes...
This song actually "belongs" to me and my ex gf. And it only came about after we broke up, so for those of you who understand the song, you will know its so suitable for broken up couples.
But thats not all. I usually meet up with this ex gf of mine for lunch or dinner or whatever. So on this particular night (about 2 years ago) , we went for drinks at a pub, and I dropped her home after that at around 12+am. So I was driving home, switching radio stations to find something which suits my mood.... and this suddenly I heard this song.
At that time the song was close to the end, so I only heard from the chorus (我们最快乐的那一年 onwards...) onwards. Imagine with just that 20secs, I was so into the song and was hoping that the DJ would announce the name of the song or even the singer. But that did not happen. So I thought maybe I'll call my ex to ask if she heard the song, and whether she knew of the song.
But just before I reached for my handphone, my ex called me. And she was all excited asking "Did you hear it? did u hear it? the song over 93.3? Do you know what song was that?"
"Ya I did and was about to call to to ask about the same thing. I think its by Fish Leong, but I dunno the name. Very nice, very touching lyrics. .... dunno about the front part, but the rest definitely describes us.... "
"Ya.....really lor...very nice.... just like describing our past and emotions"
OK so how many times do you people come across a song that describes 100% of what you are going through, and on top of that the person involved in it actually heard the song at the same time, called u just when u are about to call her, AND is just like you, never heard the song before but totally loves it?
I promised her that I'll go find out about the song and get the CD. You won't be able to imagine how difficult it is to find a song which you only know the ending and not even sure of the artiste. So what I did was I bought and borrowed all the Fish Leong CDs that I could find and listened to every single song. Darn! Wasn't there!
So I looked up on the net and I found there was an album from Fish that was missing from what I had. Believe of not... this album, cannot be found in the CD shops of JB and even the famous "pirated" stores in JB do not have it! (or at least for the one month that I was bz looking).
So the other option was to search from the net. I typed in all the lyrics as well as I could remember, but at could not find the right song. I was doing this everyday for a week, and was about to try other ways when upon closer inspection of the search box, HUH???? HOW COULD I HAVE TYPED IN A WRONG WORD??? *&%^&%^*(&!! I replaced the error and within 10 mins, I found the song!!!!
Yes, the song was in that elusive Fish Leong album afterall. You guys can't imagine my joy when I finally got the song. Was so happy that I had teary eye and all. Serious!!! :)
Listening the whole song for the 1st time... its like having found your true love.... hahahahaha
Ok.... here's the lyrics :
An old movie dampens my heart
Your love is still on holiday, but where will it settle down upon?
Maybe regrets will always come along as you age
Never allowing ourselves to suffer, but regretting it as soon as we've lost each other
When you think about about it calmly, you realise most of the memories are sweet ones
During my happiest year
You accompanied me thru everything
Things were so lively and the feelings were so strong
That It feels like I'm truely alive
Our happiest year
Was like a condensed amount of time
Short, but will always be like a flame
Warming our hearts when we are feeling cold
No matter how we miss our past, we cannot live in it
We promised not to look sad, so that we will not be missed by the one whom we love so deeply.
Have to forgive my translation... Its very difficult to translate Mandarin songs coz the syntax and grammer is so different... hhahahaa But that's the gist of it. Touching, isn't it?
Ridiculous Idea!!
Oh COME on!!!! Whats wrong with these people?
I had an entry in my blog about the "prequel" of all this hoo-ha about bloggers leading to the events recently. Now they are saying "there were a lot of avenue for anyone to host websites with malicious content which could harm the country's security." HUH?? DUH??.......
There HAS and WILL ALWAYS be avenues and ways which a country's security could be breach. That's why we have the police, that's why we have the various ministries, departments, committees, blah blah blah....And with all the "talent" in the local government, THIS IS THE SUGGESTION THEY CAN COME OUT WITH????
Yes, there's the age old saying "If you are not involved in anything bad, why the fear of letting people know of your identity?" Its not that I want to hide when I'm saying anything bad on my blog, but there ARE personal issues that I would like to only share with family, friends or the online community. I don't NEED and DO NOT WANT the government to know that I fell out of love today, or my pet died yesterday or whatever. And sometimes I would like to receive feedbacks and comments without letting other people know who am I, so that it can be a somewhat honest, truthful and unbiased info.
Although the suggestion is and can only be limited to .my sites, its still such a incomprenhisible idea. Hey.... they were not even so "keen" on violence or ponorgraphy on the internet. Just because of malicious remarks by a certain individual, on a certain minister, on doing "certain things", they get so "excited".
Blogs are in my personal opinion, JUST THAT. PERSONAL OPINIONS. Whether there's any truth to what I blog, I am the only one who knows it. Try and grow a brain and decide for yourself what you read. I am entitled to MY opinion, and if you don't like to read or know other people's opinion, DUN READ THE BLOG!!!
Like I said, responsibility comes from both parties, the bloggers and the readers. There's no doubt that any prominent individual or organisation or government will receive more attention than they would like to. If there's a malicious rumour or post on a blog that is getting so much attention, just do thorough and transparent investigation and also publish it on a blog or anything!! I'm sure the government has much more access to the various media than any individual. Or do they feel starting an investigation everytime something "malicious" comes out is simply too tedious? Come on... if the topic has garnered so much interest and feedback, wouldn't it be good if the facts are clarified once and for all? I don't think there's a need to "meet the people" have "dialogues" etc etc only when elections are near. These sessions can be on blogs, where I think opinions will be more forthcoming.
Instead of making things difficult for bloggers, why not try to think of ways that bloggers could help the government instead?
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
So Sweet...
A girl ask a guy if she was pretty,
He said no.
She asked him if he wanted her,
He said no...
She asked if she left he would cry,
He said no.
She turned to leave,
He grabbed her arm and said:
"You are not pretty, you are BEAUTIFUL,
I don't want you, I NEED you.
And if you leave, I will DIE....
Working Life
My goodness!!!! This one I laugh n laugh when I was reading it in office! My colleague though finally I SNAPPED!!! hahahaha PLS do yourselves a favour n go read it!!!
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
I'm Like your CDs
选歌时是多么的用心, 听的时候是多么的感动。
你用心了几次, 又感动了多少?
Monday, April 2, 2007
Gonna use this recent pic:

From left : Me!!!, Alicia, Alan, Bao Yan & lying across is Derek.
Alicia : Hmmmm errrrr ehhhhh.... Aiya this girl I've known for 5 years. How to describe? Ah!!! She's the "I know she's the 100% will NEVER take advantage/hurt/harm me" kind. And to her I'm also the "will NEVER take advantage/hurt/harm" her kind. Anything we do for each other is always for the good of the other person. And the rest as they say, is history. :)
Alan : My cousin!! He's 2 months older than me. We went to the same primary school, studied in S'pore and stays very near my place (although he works n stays in S'pore now). When we were kids, we fought a lot!! Hahahaha. More about him later.
Bao Yan: My cousin's wife!!! Hehehe paiseh... dunno much about her lah.... coz I was not in S'pore where they met, "pak tor" and now married!!!
Derek : This one...childhood friend. Apart from Alan, he is the other friend that I've known for wah... how long ar??? .... 25 years!!! Most of you dun even have bro/sis for that long!!! And its not the just "know" kind. We've been in touch throughout the years, so he's more like family than anything else. hahahaha. He's born in May, same year as me. Now he's in New York, US and comes back on average once a year.
The thing with 3 of us is, Alan's born in April, Derek in May, and me... June!!!! All in the same year! That's why we are brathez!!!! and will be for the longest of time :)
p/s Chua Wei Hong!!! I haven't forgotten about you! Just that you hide in Australia so long, come back drop a "red bomb" then go back n hide again!!! Hahahaha. Chua WH also another brathe we've known for 25 years. This fella...susah lah. :) Seldom see him. He's a busy doctor Down Under. Just recently married!!! (BTW where the photos ar???)
OK the group above is the "forever friends" kind. Coz already known each other so long. No chance, and dunno how to "fcuk up" each other already.. :)
Now next:

From left : Me again! (eh how come I always on the left ar???), Jerry, Li Wei, Fan
This group is my "local" buddies. The previous group, all abroad except for Alicia. So this group is my drinking buddies, "help me" buddies, "I'm sad, need friend" buddies.
Jerry is a automotive accessories wholesaler, n also the "lobang king"! Due to the sheer number of pple he knows, we got lobang everywhere lah!!!
Li Wei : Mr Nice Guy! Hmmm also married... a very family man. Comes out to play only during birthdays, weddings, important events! He's very very accommodating, no temper and pukes like the Merlion in S'pore!!! hahahaha
Fan: Interior/Furnishings Renovator/Contractor. He's got his own company doing renovation works. Nowadays, business expanded to S'pore n KL. BZ bzbzbzbz. He's also the one you will see me most often with, coz I'm closer to him. We have weekly pub sessions, just to catch up and gossip about girls! Yes guys also gossip a bit k? One important thing abt him: he gives damn good price when renovating a friend's place... to the point that sometimes rugi. Hahahaha!!! So remember him if u need renovations!
Sheesh... almost forgot! One more supa dupa important friend from Singapore. Miss Chong Xin Xin. (See la, ask u to email me photo until now dun have... almost forgot about u!!) This ger... I've known her since uni days in S'pore. Rather than "love at 1st sight", ours was like "supa friendship at first sight"! :) Ok ok tomorrow I go scan ur pic and edit this entry k? We were so close in uni that my friends refused to believe that we were just friends. And our "closeness" also caused quite some problems hor? Those were the days! She's my 小龙女 coz she's born in the year of dragon, n younger than me. :) Xin xin's getting married this November!! So happy for u! Finally somebody wants you! Hahahahaha. Yes lah, I'll go to the dinner lah. Wun aeroplane you!
OK lah... eh... for those I din mention hor.... nabe... u r all impt to me k? Just that those above deserves "special mention"!! :)
Aiya in short, I love u all!!!
Sunday, April 1, 2007
作词:崔惟楷 作曲:杨韵禾