Friday, January 23, 2009

Assurance or Lies?

Hmmmmm.... when does assurance become a lie?

When you assure someone about something that even you are not 50% sure?

When you assure just to be able to get away from the persistent asking and questioning?

Who is to be blamed? The one who lies or the one who keeps on "forcing" for the assurance?

The general reasoning is, "Don't bug me consistently and at the wrong time and I will not need to give you false assurance"

Quite often the one who seeks assurance do not even know what they are asking for. They want this, they need that. All without even going through their minds HOW is it going to be possible at the first place. When other people feel that you are plainly asking for the impossible and apparently they have no way or no mood to argue with you, they give false assurance.

But that is not to say the liar is not in the wrong. If your version of the truth is so important or the issue involved is quite serious, then there is no reason to give false assurance as the whole matter will fall apart soon enough.

But in general, I feel that people in either of these two categories match well with each other. One often needs to be lied to while the other lies so that everyone can get on with their lives.

Wake up people. Both "assurance seeker" and "fake assurance giver" is not going to get anything out of this.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Home-made Lamp

BB and me decided to get a little hands-on to make our own lamp. Actually its more like a modification of my existing (also self-made) lamp.

To put it simply, I had two bamboo candle holder as the stand, drilled some holes so that I can put in the bulb holder, reused the metal frame from 2 old lamp shades and a few pieces of bamboo sheets. Put them all together with strings and glue.... WALA... 2 nice bedside lamps!!!!

The shades were almost done when we realised we did not take any photos of the process..... :)

We took turns to sew the bamboo sheets together as each shade took slightly more than a piece of the the sheet. The finished product looked like this:

A closer look at the finished shade.....

And this is what is looks like when its lighted! Not bad huh??? :)